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Tenants prefer working with a professional Phoenix property management company instead of self-managing owners. There are so many services we offer investors, and the hidden value you receive is that the best tenants are more attracted to properties managed by professional companies. There are several reasons for this.

Maintenance Responsiveness

If you had the choice of buying something at a retail store or a garage sale, you’ll probably feel more comfortable buying the item at a store. Tenants think that way too. They understand a real estate company is licensed, insured, and proactive when it comes to responsibilities to the tenant. They know it’s a better situation, especially when it comes to maintenance. With more vendors and contractors at our disposal, tenants know that repairs will be taken care of quickly, and they won’t have to wait for an owner to be available.

Banking and Rental Payments

When an owner is managing a property, tenants have limited ways to pay rent. Usually, they have to write and mail a check or deposit the money in the owner’s bank account. When they pay rent with a property manager, there are several options. They can use an online portal to pay rent electronically, which is convenient, safe, and efficient.


Communication is better when there’s a property manager. Tenants like to have a buffer between the landlord and themselves. If something is amiss or they’re going to be late paying rent, they feel more secure or more comfortable talking about it with a third party company instead of the owner.

Tenant Rights

In today’s day and age, tenants know their rights. They have lots of rights in terms of who enters the property, how fast to expect repairs, and how they’re treated. A real estate company will understand their rights and make tenants more comfortable that the rules and the lease will be followed. They know property managers run the rental home like a business. The company will have regular business hours and consistent procedures. Tenants can know what to expect. 

There are some tenants who avoid renting homes that are managed by professional companies. Usually, these are renters who have bad credit or terrible landlord references and they’re looking for an individual who is less savvy about running credit and more lenient with their landlord rights. 

If you find yourself needing professional property management in Phoenix, please contact us at Service Star Realty. We’d be happy to evaluate how things are going for you and see if we can do a better job managing your property.


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