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How to Know if Your Rental Meets Safety Standards

David Swaim

As a landlord, you have a responsibility to ensure that your rental property is safe and secure for your tenants. Not only is it your legal obligation, but it is also the right thing to do. However, with so many safety standards to adhere to, it can be challenging to know where to start. 

From electrical wiring to fire safety measures, there are many factors to consider when it comes to keeping your rental property up to code. But do not worry, we are here to help! 

In this article, we will guide you through the essential safety measures that every rental property should have and provide you with practical tips on how to identify potential hazards in your property. 

Whether you are a new landlord or an experienced one, our advice will help you ensure that your rental property is a safe and secure home for your tenants, helping you retain long-term tenants. So, let us get started on making your rental property a safe and happy place for tenants!

Areas to Inspect 

Here is a list of areas that you must inspect to make sure your rental unit meets safety standards.

Electrical System 

The electrical system is a critical component of a rental property and can pose a significant safety risk if not functioning properly. An outdated or faulty electrical system can lead to electrical fires, electrocution, or other hazards. 

Therefore, it is crucial to have a licensed electrician inspect the system periodically to ensure that everything is up to code.

person inspecting solar panel on roof

During an inspection, the electrician will check the electrical panels, wiring, switches, and outlets. They will look for any signs of damage, wear and tear, or corrosion. The electrician will also inspect the electrical load and ensure that the system is not overloaded.

It is essential to address any issues promptly and not to make any electrical repairs yourself unless you are a licensed electrician. As a landlord, you are responsible for providing a safe living environment for your tenants and ensuring that the electrical system is up to code is one of your primary responsibilities.

Home Security 

Home security is a crucial aspect of a rental property, and tenants need to feel safe and secure in their homes. Good quality locks and deadbolts on doors and windows are the first line of defense against potential intruders. Additionally, installing an alarm system or surveillance cameras can deter potential burglars.

Make sure that the tenants are provided with copies of keys for doors and windows, and that the locks are changed before a new tenant moves in. It is also advisable to provide tenants with guidelines on how to secure the property and avoid potential security threats.

If a potential tenant has a pet, you must conduct thorough tenant screening. This is not just to ensure the security of your property but also of other residents.

In the event of a security breach, tenants should be advised to contact the police immediately and provide them with any relevant information. By ensuring that your rental property is secure, you are not only protecting your tenants but also protecting yourself from potential legal and financial consequences.

Appliance Maintenance 

Appliances are an essential part of a rental property, and their proper maintenance can prevent potential hazards. Regular cleaning and checking for wear and tear of appliances can prevent fires or other accidents. 

Additionally, make sure that gas appliances are properly ventilated and that carbon monoxide detectors are installed to prevent gas leaks.

open dishwasher empty racks

Providing tenants with proper instructions on how to use appliances is crucial to avoid accidents. Additionally, tenants should be advised to report any malfunctioning or damaged appliances to the landlord immediately. Any repairs or replacements of appliances should be carried out by a licensed technician.

Regular maintenance and inspection of appliances can also improve their energy efficiency and help save money on utility bills. If a tenant complains about an essential appliance, you must attend to it as soon as possible.

Heating System

A properly functioning heating system is crucial for a rental property, especially during the colder months. A malfunctioning or outdated heating system can pose a significant safety risk, including carbon monoxide poisoning, fires, or other hazards.

Hiring a licensed HVAC technician to inspect and maintain the heating system periodically can prevent potential hazards. Additionally, make sure that any space heaters used by tenants are safe and are not placed near flammable materials.

Tenants should also be provided with guidelines on how to use the heating system safely and avoid potential accidents. Any repairs or replacements of the heating system should be carried out by a licensed technician.

Doors and Windows 

Doors and windows are not only important for security but also for energy efficiency. Properly sealed and insulated doors and windows can prevent air leaks, which can result in higher utility bills. 

Additionally, damaged or improperly functioning doors and windows can pose safety hazards, such as falling glass or difficulty opening or closing.

Regular inspection and maintenance of doors and windows can prevent potential hazards and improve energy efficiency. This can include replacing damaged or worn-out weather stripping or caulking, repairing or replacing damaged glass, and ensuring that locks and handles are in good working order.

person drilling holes in window pane

Tenants should also be advised to report any issues with doors and windows to the landlord immediately. Any repairs or replacements should be carried out by a licensed contractor to ensure that they are done correctly and meet safety standards.

Age of the Property 

The age of a rental property can be an important factor in determining safety standards. Older properties may have outdated or faulty wiring or plumbing systems, lead paint, asbestos, or other potential hazards. 

It is essential to have the property inspected by a licensed professional to identify any potential hazards and take appropriate action.

Additionally, older properties may require more frequent maintenance and repairs to keep them in good working order. Landlords should make sure that they have a maintenance plan in place to address any issues promptly and ensure that the property is safe for tenants.

If the property is deemed to have significant safety hazards, it may be necessary to make substantial repairs or renovations. Landlords should consult with a licensed contractor or engineer to develop a plan to address any safety concerns and bring the property up to code.

Bottom Line

Ensuring that your rental property meets safety standards is essential for the well-being of your tenants and the success of your investment. By following the tips we have discussed in this article, you can ensure that your rental is up to code and provide a safe living environment for your tenants.

However, we understand that managing a rental property can be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially when it comes to ensuring safety standards are met. That is why we recommend you consider hiring a professional property management company like Service Star Realty

With our expertise and experience, we can take care of all the details and ensure that your rental property is not only meeting safety standards but also running smoothly and efficiently.

Do not hesitate to contact us at Service Star Realty and see how we can help you manage your rental property and provide your tenants with a safe and comfortable living environment. Your investment and your tenants deserve the best!

Service Star Realty

2929 East Camelback Road #119, Phoenix, AZ 85016

(480) 426-9696

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